21 March 2010

Not a Blogger Blogger.

Um yeah. Hi. I rather like LJ and a quick google hasn't shown me how to crosspost from there to here.
But here's a widget of books from my Librarything?

Because there will probably never be any real content posted here I've made a picspam of my interests!

Adam Lambert!

Bandom boys! 

Doctor Who! (Patrick Troughton FTMFW)

Ice Skater Boys! (This is flying magical zebra Stephane Lambiel)

Neil Gaiman! (I like him as a writer and I stan him as a person)

Star Trek! (TOS and Reboot)

Steampunk! (Mainly as an observer, not a participant)

Top Gear! (British edutainment car show? YES PLEASE)

Vintage Hairstyles!
Terry Pratchett! Discworld!

Tall Ships! The Napoleonic Wars! Horatio Hornblower! The Age of Sail!


Old English! (Beowulf UNFFFFF)

Did I mention I was a crazymad fangirl like these chicas? I SO AM.

Er, yeah, this is just lovely.

Sherlock Holmes!
Jeeves and Wooster! Stephen Fry! Hugh Laurie!

Crochet! (Amigurumi is Love)

OK WE GOOD? Good. Blogger is now done being an impromptu tumblr

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